Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Nord Stern Quiz

Ok, it's your turn to get involved here. Who is this Nord Sterner getting ready to race his Speedster at an SCCA event at Donnybrooke in 1971? Hint: he was club President in 1997. Just type your guess in the comments below.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Historic Photo #3 - BIR

An aerial shot of the first SCCA event in 1974 as BIR

Brainerd International Raceway, known as Donnybrooke until 1974, has played a key role in Nord Stern's history. The club's first autocross at BIR was held in 1970 while the track was in receivership. Dick Roe and Jerry Hansen purchased the track in 1974 and re-opened it as BIR.

John Bierbaum navigates the chicane between turns 1 and 2 at a BIR "autocross" in September 1975. This is the car that Corey Johnson has restored.

Speeds were controlled through the use of pylon chicanes at various points around the track. In the 80's the track set-up was solidified with only two sets of chicanes - before turn 1 and before turn 2. Late in 1991 the drag strip wall was extended to it's current length and the club made the decision to eliminate the pylons entirely for the 1992 season. Predictions of lethal consequences have proven to be unfounded.

Participant workers at start/finish at First Fling in 1982.

For a couple of decades, participants served as corner workers. When you checked in for the event, you received work assignments and reported to your assigned corner at the indicated time. Upon reflection, certainly the most dangerous aspect of the pylon chicanes involved the person who ran out onto the hot track to reset the pylon that had been knocked over by a speeding Porsche.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Breakfast with the Countryman's and Zimmer's

Tom Countryman in his 550 Spyder. Mankato airport.
Photo from the Countryman collection.
Tom Countryman called yesterday and invited me to breakfast with his wife Audrey and Jack and Rhonna Zimmer. Jack founded Carousel in 1969 at what then was basically a used car lot on Excelsior Blvd. complete with the string of 60 watt light bulbs lining the lot. Great stories ranging from selling John and Annie Denver a 1969 911 Targa to racing mischief with Richie Ginther. The Countryman's and Zimmer's did a lot of racing of Porsche's in the late 60's and early 70's, including against each other in 914/6's. (Zimmer claimed to be faster because he had the hot California motor and Countryman's was built locally. Some things never change!)

Be sure you say "hi" to these folks at the party and be prepared to get a great history lesson in our origin. These are really fun people.

Daily Nord Stern Historical Photo II

The concours site on the golf course with Madden's Resort in the background. Looks much the same today.

In August of 1976, Nord Stern hosted the 21st Porsche Parade. The headquarters was at Madden's Resort and the autocross at Brainerd International Raceway. It was a remarkable undertaking for a Region with less than 100 members. Just under 500 attended. There were basically 15 Nord Sterners that organized the whole event! This Parade is highly regarded to this day for it's resort setting, high speed autocross, and interesting rally. Porsche sent Manfred Jantke and Jacky Ickx with the then current 936. Remarkably they showed it at Madden's and then towed it all the way to BIR!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Daily Nord Stern Historical Photo

I will try to post an interesting historical photo daily between now and the Winter Party on January 17th. Nord Stern has a very rich history of interesting cars and interesting people. We have collected quite a few photos and believe more will surface over the course of our 50th Anniversary year. We will be publishing a booklet that we hope to begin distribution of at the Winter Party and will be widely available later.

This photo is of Dr. Alex and Patty Ratelle in their 550 Spyder. It was taken at an autocross at the Minnesota State Fair race track in 1958. Most Porsche owners, especially those that raced, were members of the Land O' Lakes Region of SCCA.
Photo is from the Don Wolkoff collection.

Sign Up Now For "From Sypder to Spyder" Gala Dinner

Tom Countryman in his 1952 356 1300 coupe competing in the Lake Phelan ice races in 1954. Note the tank commanders helmet.

Patrick Long in his 2008 RS Spyder at Road America.

On Saturday, January 17th. Nord Stern will kick-off it's 50th Anniversary celebration at it's annual Winter Party. The theme is "From Spyder to Spyder" as we will have at least three past owners of the first Spyder, the 550, as well as one of the very few drivers of the current Spyder, the 2007 and 2008 ALMS championship winning Penske Porsche RS Spyder.

Currrently scheduled to appear:
Patrick Long
, Porsche Factory Driver, 2 time LeMans class winner in a GT3 and Penske RS Spyder. PCA.org blogger. Learn more about Patrick here. He has some very cool stuff on his website. His blog on PCA. org is here.
Betty Jo and Leonard Turner, Editor and Chief Photographer, respectively of Porsche Panorama. Leonard's blog on PCA.org is here.
Tom Countryman, charter Nord Stern Member, brought the first 356 into Minnesota in 1953. Filmed the 24 hour of LeMans race in 1952 through a relationship with Huschke Von Hanstein. Raced it as well as all kinds of other interesting Porsches, Speedsters, 904, 910, and others. He can tell the story(s)...
Jack and Rhonna Zimmer, founders of Carousel in 1969. 914-6 racer owned the Troutman-Barnes bodied 910.
Craig Alexander, charter member, owned the 550 Spyder for many years that Bill Groschen later restored.
Hank Godfredson, President in 1963 and 1986, owned and raced a number of interesting Porsches. Currently runs GT Racing in Colorado Springs.

And many others...

The social begins at 6:00, the dinner promptly at 7:30. Seating is limted. The cost is $65 per person which includes birthday cake.
Sign up one of three ways:
Online (you will need to create an account if you do not have one) at:
Register.pca.org . Search on "Nord Stern". We will only take credit cards online.

Download the registration form here. Either email the form to Kim Fritze by clicking on the button provided or mail it to her.

Last, you can call and leave Kim a message at 612-275-4891. Tell her is you want the Walleye, Beef Burgandy, Chicken, or Pasta.

It's going to be a very memorable evening with many old friends and many new ones. You are not likely to go home early.

Nord Stern Begins A Year of Celebration

Nord Stern was officially chartered by the Porsche Club of America on March 28, 1959 making 2009 it's 50th year. The Club is planning a year long celebration of this long and storied history. The kick-off will take place with a gala celebration at Interlachen Country Club on January 17th. Details are available on another post.

This anniversary has led to an examination of the Region's history, the people, the cars, and the activities. This history will be re-told throughout the year. It ranges from Tom Countryman bringing home his 1952 356 coupe from his service in Europe which we believe was the first Porsche licensed in Minnesota. This was always a racing Region with members like Tom and others racing 550 Spyders and Speedsters in the early days. A Porsche Parade was hosted at Brainerd in 1976 which was an incredible achievement for a Region of then less than 100 members. Nord Stern hosted the 8th PCA Club Race in 1993 and has been very active in the program ever since. The list of this Region's achievements goes on and on, and culminated in it's being recognized by PCA at the 2008 Porsche Parade in Charlotte NC as PCA Region of the Year. The historic Ferry Porsche Award will be on display at the party. You may want to get your picture taken with it.

Those who have Nord Stern historical information should contact Roger Johnson.