Photo from Feb 2015 Porsche Panorama
I was on a plane the other day reading the Feb 2015 Porsche Panorama and an article about a 1968 911L called Poster Car caught my eye. It's original owner was "Fast" Freddy Baker, scion of the Mound Metalcraft Company. If you like me you may have had several of their products as a kid - Tonka trucks. Apparently Fred earned his nickname both on and off the track.
I had heard of Fred when researching Porsche history in Minnesota for Nord Stern's 50th in 2009. Never really found out much about him until this article got me looking again.
I did little Googling and I found this link: Note the last entry. 1971 entry at Donnybrooke with Dick Roe and Jerry Hansen.
This led me give Dick Roe a call. It was Dick and Jerry Hansen who took Donnybrooke out of bankruptcy in 1973. Dick ran the track under he retired in 1999. Dick mostly remembers Fred running in SCCA with a Renault Alpine that he sold to the Archer Bros from Duluth that we saw raced for many years. Fred also raced a 906 quite a bit. He apparently did not race after 1969 and moved to Florida.
They did not run the 1971 race. The DNA in the right column is Did Not Appear. Dick also did not recall running a race with Freddy Baker in Jerry's Corvette.
Regrettably, Fred passed away just in January of this year:
There are a bunch of photos here:
What was cause of death for Fred?